
  1. At the beginning of our date or massage, I’ll ask you to step into the shower. I’ll provide body wash, a towel, a disposable toothbrush, toothpaste, and mouthwash (occasionally I don’t have extra toothbrushes and mouthwash on tour). Please be mindful of your own personal care and use the supplies I provide to ensure a clean and enjoyable visit. If there is a hygiene issue beyond what a shower can fix, you will be asked to leave.

  2. Bring cash and hand it to me as soon as we meet. If we meet in public, it should be in a (preferably unmarked) envelope or other discreet container. I accept bitcoin transfers or through my wishlist as well for my full rate, but keep in mind there may be a delay in receiving these, which could be included in your visit if not paid in advance. For deposits, I prefer CashApp but accept wishlist purchases and occasionally a gift card of my choice.

  3. Refreshments are always appreciated! If you chose to bring something, please see my “About” page for my preferences and allergy information. Dates over 2 hours must include an outing and have refreshments available.

  4. Please introduce yourself in your first message with information on what city you’d like to meet in, for how long, and when. Polite and well written introductions are prioritized, rude ones ignored.

  5. Do not try to negotiate my rates.